Villa Zileri Motterle
Villa Zileri is a complex located in the immediate vicinity of Vicenza, set in a vast park which is fortunately surrounded by a large area of countryside.
Villa Cordellina Lombardi
Property of the Cordellina family until the first decades of the 19th century, the villa was purchased in 1954 by Vittorio Lombardi and subsequently sold by his widowed wife, Anna Maria Lombardi, to the Provincial Administration of Vicenza, the current owner.
Villa Valmarana ai Nani
Composed of three buildings located in a vast period park, Villa Valmarana ai Nani is universally considered the expressive summit of eighteenth-century painting and the highest testimony of the genius of the Tiepolos.
Palazzo Chiericati
Designed in 1550 by Andrea Palladio for Girolamo Chiericati, the building was completed at the end of the 17th century following the original design. The Municipality acquired it in 1839 from the noble Chiericati family. Restored and enlarged, it was inaugurated in 1855 as a civic museum.
Palladio Museum
Palazzo Barbarano, now home to the Palladio Museum, is the only Palladio palace completed when the architect was still alive. Since 2017 it has housed the frescoes of Palazzo Valmarana Franco, which miraculously escaped the bombings of 1945.
For information on entrance tickets to Villa Valmarana ai Nani, consult this link.
Hotel Kristal
Via Prà Bordoni, 36,
36010 - Zanè (VI) - Italy
Check In/Out
- Open until 11 p.m.
- Check-in 2-11 p.m.
- Check-out until 11 a.m
- Breakfast 6:30-9 a.m.